Invented by a Belgian engineer by the name of Jacques Gesret, the Gesret Method ® is a practice of therapeutic medicine that tackles the causes of chronic, inflammatory and even hereditary diseases in order to better treat the associated ailments (muscular pains, migraines, any case of asthma attack, lack of breath, allergies, musculoskeletal tensions, etc.). It is used for both adults and childrens.

Principles of Gesret Method®

The Gesret Method® addresses the causes of chronic, inflammatory and hereditary diseases.

Based on osteo-articular manipulations, it promises to get rid of symptoms of asthma, allergies, eczema and psoriasis or even to stabilize outbreaks of autoimmune diseases, in a few sessions and in 90% of the cases.

It is a very precise protocol, a set of postural reprogramming techniques aimed at rebalancing the organism.

The improvements can be felt from the first session, the protocol requires 3 sessions once a week and then a 4th session, about 3 weeks later.

We recommend a spring and autumn session to permanently stabilize the posture.

How does the Gesret Method ® work?

It is a very precise type of protocol, a set of postural reprogramming techniques that allows to rebalance the organism of a person suffering from these complications. In doing so, the Gesret ® Method will target the cervicals, the spine, the muscles related to the functional parts of the human body; with the aim of relieving the patients of their chronic, inflammatory and hereditary pathologies. Thus, the doctor proceeds point by point on the body of the sufferer. Another type of purpose of this practice is to treat the blockage of the nervous system with regard to the phantom information received.

During an initial consultation with the practitioner, they will make sure to listen to your symptoms after they have been received. The practitioner will make a diagnosis based on the patient’s anatomy and the symptoms listed to determine the specific techniques and treatments that this therapeutic medicine could provide. Through this initial contact, he or she will be able to research and identify the primary cause of the ailments in order to establish a plan to effectively treat the pathologies, any asthma attacks or even shortness of breath, joint pain, and even other health problems related to this trigger that remains the true starting point.

Results thanks to the Gesret Method ®

Improvements can be felt from the first session with the practitioners, the protocol requires 3 sessions at 1 week intervals followed by a 4th session, approximately 3 weeks later. In this way, the practitioners will follow their treatment plan to the letter so as to touch every point complicating the life of their patient. The person who would have been subject to these ailments (asthma attacks, pain, phantom information and false inferences from the brain) will feel a great improvement in their life. This method developed by Jacques Gesret can in many cases improve the daily life of those suffering from the above mentioned ailments.

We particularly recommend a spring and autumn consultation with our practitioners to stabilise the posture in a sustainable way. Whether you have been a sufferer of the aforementioned ailments (asthma, joint pain, phantom information, chronic illnesses and even hereditary diseases) or whether you are currently suffering from them, a very warm welcome and an effective practice for touching each point awaits you.

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